Data Services

Workflow development and construction of data tools to facilitate geological routine tasks.

We offer our clients project-based data analytics services for various needs. We can tailor solutions to your needs to streamline/automate practical work and routines and help create a new perspective and new insights through various visualizations and data analytics. 

Projects make use of common data analytics tools such as Python programming, SQL, Power BI, Looker Studio, Tableau, Access, Excel. 

Products and Services

Logboard logo

Logboard™ is a lightweight, cloud-based application designed to improve efficiency when managing geological drilling activities. It brings together data inputs and sample photos from drillers and geologists into one centralized platform and allows easy data export for reporting and visualization. Logboard can effectively be used for all downhole drilling activities, such as diamond drilling, base of till sampling, RC etc.

Check out our brief introductory blog post about Logboard.

Drilling Dashboards

We create drilling dashboards for monitoring drilling operations. Highly visual dashboards  compile essential information related to drilling projects for easier supervision and management of drilling activities.

These easily customizable applications aid in the monitoring, planning, forecasting, and reporting of drilling operations.

We can create templates for Power BI dashboards or we can create your own standalone Python application, if needed.

Data - mikronia

Other data services

Mikronia Consulting has expertise in data processing, analysis and visualization using the Python programming language. Assignments related to data can be, for example:

Data Cleaning

Going through large datasets and editing incorrect information using Python code or, for example, compiling and transferring historical data to a database.

EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis)

A data analytics project that investigates geological/geochemical correlations and trends in a specific area.

Reporting Automations

Organizing reportable data and automating the reporting process.

Python Scripts

Creating Python scripts for and applications to automate routine tasks and creating smoother workflows.

Other Macros

Creating Excel and Access macros and workflows.

Ask me more about our Data Services

We offer you workflow development and construction of data tools to facilitate geological routine tasks.

Petri aho - Mikronia

Petri Aho 
Consultant, Founder

+358 44 025 0480